
How Can I Easily Check The Integrity Of Files Uploaded To Onedrive

How to Backup to Microsoft OneDrive

Author: Swapna Naraharisetty, 2BrightSparks Pte. Ltd.

SyncBackPro provides an piece of cake and reliable solution to backup, restore and synchronize files to and from Microsoft OneDrive. In this article, we'll explain the procedure to create a contour to fill-in to OneDrive. The same steps can be used with other deject services, e.g. Google Bulldoze, Sharepoint, etc.

Creating a OneDrive fill-in contour

- Download and install SyncBackPro if you lot don't already have information technology

- Run SyncBackPro and click the New button to create a new contour:

The New button at the bottom-left of the main window - setting up backups to OneDrive

- Enter a name for your profile, e.chiliad. Backup to OneDrive, and click Next

- We are going to practise a backup, which is the default, so click Adjacent

- Select OneDrive (Personal) as your Destination and click Next:

Select Microsoft OneDrive as the destination in the New Profile window

Authorizing with OneDrive

- In the potency process, you lot need to allow SyncBackPro access to your OneDrive business relationship. Click on the Authorize push button to initiate the say-so process. SyncBackPro will open a new browser window where you need to enter your OneDive login credentials, re-create and paste the authorization code supplied from the site into SyncBackPro's dialog window to allow authorized access to SyncBackPro.

Click the Authorize button to begin the authorization process with OneDrive

- Once the authorization is successful a confirmation window will appear saying SyncBackPro is authorized with the cloud server. Click on OK button.

Sign in to your Google account

- A dialog box will appear asking if you would like to use the electric current OneDrive account as your default linked account. Click on Aye button to shop the potency token provided by OneDrive server in a fundamental deject storage, so that SyncBack can use that authorization lawmaking automatically when creating a new OneDrive contour to connect to the aforementioned account.

Alternatively, you tin click on No button if y'all practise not want to use that account as your default linked account.

Prompt to use as default linked account

- Then click on the Done push to close the New Profile window.

Configuring the Profile settings

- A Profile setup window will announced, where you lot tin configure the Profile's source path and cull a destination sub-folder (if required) to backup files to OneDrive. You can do this past clicking on the binder push in the Source and OneDrive (Personal) edit box.

Click the folder button next to the Source button

- In this example nosotros volition backup files from C:\Users\Mick\Documents\ to the \Backup\ subfolder on OneDrive. You can define the Source and Destination paths as per your requirement.

Click the Choose sub-directories and files button

- Once you accept divers the Source and Destination paths, you lot tin can configure other settings like Versioning, Compression, Encryption, Integrity Check etc., and click on OK push to save the Contour and render to main window.

Running the profile

- Once the profile setup window is closed, a confirmation window will appear asking you to perform a simulated run (a run that simulates bodily run). Click on Yes button to run the contour in false fashion to view the list of files that volition exist copied, skipped (or deleted) during the actual run.

Differences Window

- Once the imitation run is completed and it is correct, you tin perform an bodily run by clicking on the Run button at the bottom of main window. You can also create a schedule task for the profile to run it automatically at the scheduled date/time. Please refer to the Beginner'southward guide to SyncBackPro for boosted details on how to do this.


Microsoft'southward OneDrive is a pop and reliable cloud storage service for both business concern and personal users to back up their important files, photos, videos and documents to the cloud, and access them from multiple platforms (a Windows PC or a mobile device). SyncBackPro provides an excellent and convenient way to automatically backup data to or from OneDrive. Additionally, it supports versioning, integrity check, compression and encryption on files that are uploaded to OneDrive.

How Can I Easily Check The Integrity Of Files Uploaded To Onedrive,


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