
How To Batch Rename In Photoshop

How to Batch Rename Files in Photoshop

Photoshop'due south batch renaming system is a powerful and flexible style to rename bulk files into an orderly system.

Using the Photoshop File Browser (or Adobe Span in CS3), open up the folder containing the files and select the ones you lot wish to rename.

Photoshop File Browser

File Browser Context MenuRight-click on any of the selected images and click Batch Rename from the context menu (pictured correct). This volition give you a window like the one beneath.

Choose to rename the files in the same folder or move them to a new folder.

The File Naming department is where you lot specify how the files will be named. There are vi drop menus and the contents of each 1 are added together to make the proper noun. The idea is that at least i of the menus (i.east. i part of the file name) volition create sequential numbers or messages.

Batch Rename Window

Naming OptionsEach drib-menu includes a list of options (pictured right). Starting with the kickoff drib-carte, either select an item from the menu or enter your own text. Add as many parts to the file name as you similar (upwards to 6).

In the example higher up we entered the word "familyday" in the kickoff menu, followed by a hyphen. This volition be the get-go of every file name in the batch.

In the second menu we selected a 2 digit serial number, which will begin at 01 and increment for each file name.

In the third bill of fare we selected a lower-case extension, which will give each file the extension ".jpg". Selecting EXTENSION from the card would give each file the extension ".JPG".

Yous tin can have any combination of fixed text, dates and serial numbers or letters. However yous must have at to the lowest degree one serial choice - otherwise all your files will have the same proper name (Photoshop won't actually let you practise this, for obvious reasons).

Notice how the batch rename window above gives y'all an example of what the resulting file names will await like - proceed an centre on this to make sure y'all're doing it correctly. Notation: The example extension is gif, but when yous perform the rename, Photoshop volition effigy out that the files really need to exist jpg.

The batch renaming example above has the following results:

Original File Names

New File Names

Original File Names New File Names

Note: The files in this example are digital photos - the original file names were generated by the camera. In this situation it is a adept thought to go through the original files and delete whatever unwanted photos before you rename them. Every bit you can come across, files DSCF0048 and DSCF0054 were deleted before the batch rename. The new file names are now nicely numbered - if we had deleted the unwanted files after the rename, the numbers would not exist in the aforementioned orderly sequence.


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